2024-07-01 MP API bugfix today - Sorry about the bug, site should be working now
2022-11-20 The making of this blog, part 9 - Separating services and adding caching - We have to use two servers instead of one when using free tier products, and caching makes us go fast
2022-11-02 The making of this blog, part 8 - Analytics v2 - Analytics is better than a text file
2022-10-26 The making of this blog, part 7 - HTTPS is so hard - How to set up HTTPS - is it impossible?
2022-10-23 Part 6, extended - Extra info on jQuery - Answering unresolved questions from the previous post
2022-10-20 The making of this blog, part 6 - Interactive plots - Using Plotly with Flask and Flask-Flatpages to create interactive charts
2022-10-17 The making of this blog, part 5 - Registering a domain - Setting up tcpekin.com
2022-10-11 The making of this blog, part 4 - Logging - Adding logs is a lot more complicated than I thought
2022-10-10 The making of this blog, part 3 - Local → remote - Sometimes the Flask development server just isn't enough
2022-10-09 The making of this blog, part 2 - General framework - Initially working with Flask
2022-10-06 The making of this blog, part 1 - Why I chose to make this site and some initial thoughts.
2022-08-29 Welcome - Hello to anyone here.